Brand development and rollout
One of Edinburgh’s best-loved institutions, Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home has been here for the city’s pets, and their people, since 1884.
A lot has changed in those 140 years, and with a progressive new strategy, the charity aims to move beyond the Home’s walls – to make the greatest possible impact. While they’ll always be a safe place for dogs and cats in need, they now also offer a wide range of support for pet owners in the community – to stop them having to give up their pets in the first place.

Based on a fundamental belief that there’s goodness inside every pet and person, at Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home love has no limits. They take a big picture view of what’s best for dogs and cats, and a tireless, long-term approach to their care.
We facilitated workshops with every team in the organisation – from the cattery and kennel teams, to fundraising and marketing, to the leadership and trustees. From here we helped the Home to clearly articulate the new mission: to protect loving homes, to find loving homes and to run a loving home. And to modernise and reposition the brand with a new strategy, visual identity, tone of voice and suite of roll out materials.

“The experience we had with StudioLR can only be described as an agency tapping into the soul of what our strategy stands for and who the organisation is. It was a special and emotional moment to realise that we would be able to start to tell our story in a way so authentic and real to the issues we work on. Without their brand support this wouldn’t have been possible.”
Lindsay Fyffe-Jardine, CEO
Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home

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