Brand development and campaign
Seamab is a residential primary school providing a safe and nurturing environment for children with severe social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. To give the kids the best possible start in life, Seamab needed to raise its profile and build a stronger emotional connection with the local community and potential donors.
Following heartfelt workshops with the team and the children, we developed a brand strategy, identity and emotive campaign.
Writing for Brands at the
Global D&AD Awards
Meet the Sea Changers… They characterise what the children had been missing, and what Seamab offers them – a chance for them all to reach their full potential. Seamab is where Hope lives, where Free lives, where Joy lives, and as the children and staff proudly say, “where we live”.
Hope is never lost at Seamab
She’s lived here for a long time and she knows the place like the back of her hand. She picks the kids up when they fall and she’s always showing them how good tomorrow could be. When the world seems really dark, Hope gives the kids a loan of her torch.
Sad sometimes visits Seamab.
Sometimes the new children carry him in on their backs. Sometimes he sneaks in when nobody’s looking. We don’t ignore Sad, but we do help the kids to say goodbye to him. Sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye.
Scottish Fundraising Awards Best Partner Relationship Winner
Institute of Internal Communications Most Innovative Communication Winner

“The Sea Changers bring meaning to what we all do at Seamab. They make me feel part of something that’s new and fresh and moving in a different direction.”
Tracy Doran
HR Manager, Seamab

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