Helping it take off
National Museum of Flight is bursting out of the stuffiness and physical confinement that people associate with museums, a visit is an escape out of the everyday and into imagination. It’s all about family-friendly fun and creativity. Wide open spaces where enjoyment is first and education is second.
Simply put, it’s a world of freedom. So that’s exactly how we painted it.
Fun is in the air
We started with our strapline – the glue that holds it all together. Good times were key to our strategy. It’s a place where there’s always something on the horizon. Where optimism is in the offing and surprise is in store. A spacious place where spirits are lifted. A place where FUN IS IN THE AIR.
Let’s hear how the idea translates to the soundwaves. Have a listen to the radio ad we made, which aired nationally and really gets into the high spirit of the concept:
Lifting the look
To really bring our idea to life, we knew we needed some striking visuals with fun and freedom at their heart. Something different. Something that put the magic of flight firmly in the frame. Something that could convey the wealth of activities and the amazing open spaces.
Our innovative solution? A cutting edge piece of gear – the 360 camera.
With this technology, we could get a full, vivid picture of different areas of the site with families exploring the activities and having a good time. But the sky’s the hero here, emphasising space and freedom – putting the ‘fun in the air’ at the heart of every image.
The sky’s the limit
Our work has been shared far and wide since it’s been out in the world. From radio to video, brochures to buses, and beyond, the message is most definitely out there – fun is the air at the National Museum of Flight in East Lothian.

Get in touch if you’ve got a similar challenge – or even if you just want to be nosey.