Part of the world’s largest grassroots human rights organisation, Amnesty International UK work to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth, and dignity are denied. They strive to educate and mobilise the public, and help transform society to create a safer and more just world.
Making the cryptic clear
As the Scottish Government looks to bring more human rights into Scottish law, now is the perfect time for the people of Scotland to know and understand their rights. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. More often than not, human rights information comes wrapped up in unfamiliar acronyms, dense legal language, and unintelligible jargon.
That’s where Amnesty UK comes in…
Human rights – now available in human
Together we created the ‘Human Rights – Now Available in Human’ campaign – a vibrant and accessible platform for young people in Scotland to learn about their rights and how they impact their everyday lives. With content that’s not just informative but entertaining enough to share, too.
Focusing on young people with first-hand experience of the issues raised, we shot three short jargon-busting videos, with real people sharing their own real stories – educating the public in a simple, relatable way.
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The videos were backed by a series of gibberish-based social posts encouraging people to decode a hidden message and pass it on – with each one acting as a human rights conversation-starter. These were also the basis for a social filter, recording people trying to work out the riddles in real time.
Together the campaign encourages Scotland’s young people to rise up for every right they never knew they had. Bringing human rights home, and making them easy to understand.

Get in touch if you’ve got a similar challenge – or even if you just want to be nosey.